1. Longest Tongue’s Dog in the dogs
This male Pekingese dog has 4,5 inch (11.43 cm) long tongue and it was enough to make the dog hold a record as the Longest Tongue’s Dog in the world. The dog it self called puggy and the owner is Becky Stanford (USA)

2. Fastest Time To Pop 100 Balloons By A Dog
Anastasia, a Jack Russell terrier, set a fastest world record after popping 100 balloons in 44.49 seconds. The record was set live on US TV show in February 24th, 2008.

3. Longest Living Snake in the world
The snake is well cared in Columbus Zoo and Aquarium,Ohio,US since long time ago. The snake broke a record of world`s longest living snake (python) because it could stretch 24 feet long.

4.English Breakfast
Mario’s Cafe, at Bolton, dishes up 10 eggs, sausages plus bacon rashers, 5 black puddings and bunches of mushrooms and beans. This menu was recorded as the Biggest English Breakfast in the world by Guinness in September 17, 2009.Mario will not request any money if people who order it can finished it in 20 minutes.

5.Simon Elmore

In August 2009, Simon Elmore tried to put 400 drinking straws in his mouth, hold those straws for 10 seconds and success. Because no one have ever done this before, Guinness listed his name on their book.

6. World’s Heaviest Plane Pulled by A man
Kevin Fast set a new world`s record of Heaviest Plane Pulled by a man after pulling 188.83 tonnes CC-177 Globemaster III 28feet (8.8 meters) forwards. His action was done at Canadian Forces Base, Ontario, Sept. 17, 2009.

7.Gregory Ancelotti and Doc

Helped by Gregory Ancelotti, a horse name Doc set new world records of longest distance by horse in Italy, April 2009. The world`s record was 95 feet 5in.


Tubby, the dog`s name, has a great concern of environment and he had set new world record with recycling 26,000 plastic bottles. He did not recycle those bottle alone of course. Sandra Gilmore, the owner, who was helping him to complete the recycling.

9.Stephen Parkes
The collector`s name is Stephen Parkes from Nottingham.He is 44 years media technician and this year, He set a new record of world`s Largest Smurf Collection with his 1,061 Smurf figures.

10.Dexter cow Swallow
This is Dexter cow Swallow. The cow comes from Pike End Farm in North Yorkshire and it breaks new records of world`s smallest cows because it is only 33 inches (0.8m) tall. Look how adorable he is.

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